True or False – Gardening Myths!

True or False – Gardening Myths!

Gardening is full of myths and old wives’ tales. Many are handed down through the generations and passed on in garden sheds and across allotments across the land. But, should…
Penistone Show 2018 – Sponsoring the mighty Shire Horse class!

Penistone Show 2018 – Sponsoring the mighty Shire Horse class!

We are proud to be sponsors of the Penistone Show again this year!
How Green Is Your Shopping?

How Green Is Your Shopping?

At Earnshaws we are proud of our environmental and sustainable credentials, so we were intrigued to hear about Giki – an app that makes shopping for responsibly sourced food a…
1st August is Yorkshire Day!

1st August is Yorkshire Day!

Wednesday 1st August is Yorkshire Day, a celebration of “God’s own county”. As a proudly independent Yorkshire based business, we are giving our customers an extra reason to celebrate, with…
Watch out for Holly Blues and Red Admirals!

Watch out for Holly Blues and Red Admirals!

Sir David Attenborough launched the Annual Butterfly Count today. Why not get involved and see how many butterflies you can count in your garden, in 15 minutes, then record them…
Summertime Tips for Looking After Your Garden Wildlife

Summertime Tips for Looking After Your Garden Wildlife

Here are some tips to help care for your garden’s wildlife this summer...
Visit Beautiful Open Gardens near Midgley 7-8th July

Visit Beautiful Open Gardens near Midgley 7-8th July

Saturday and Sunday will see 17 amazing gardens open for visitors in the picturesque villages of Emley and Flockton, West Yorkshire.
Add Value to Your Home With a Garden Makeover

Add Value to Your Home With a Garden Makeover

Are you overlooking the opportunity to add value to your most valuable asset with an easy and rewarding garden makeover?
It’s not too late to go 30 days wild!!

It’s not too late to go 30 days wild!!

Why not join the 55,500 people who have already signed up to The Wildlife Trusts’ national nature challenge. The aim is to do 30 Random Acts of Wildness in 30…
Yorkshire Garden Wins Gold at Chelsea Flower Show

Yorkshire Garden Wins Gold at Chelsea Flower Show

We were delighted to hear that a Yorkshire Dales-themed garden won gold at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show.