Summer in Your Garden

Summer in Your Garden

August is about taking stock, finishing off projects, and enjoying gardens in full bloom!
It’s Bees Needs Week!

It’s Bees Needs Week!

18th-24th July is Bees' Needs Week. Here's how you can help!
This Month in Your Garden – July

This Month in Your Garden – July

Here is a round-up of news, tips and ideas to make the most of July in your garden!
Weather Facts and Gardening Tips for June

Weather Facts and Gardening Tips for June

Usually, August is our hottest month, but June has the most sunshine. Make the most of this crucial gardening month as we head towards the solstice!
Sign up to the Great Yorkshire Creature Count!

Sign up to the Great Yorkshire Creature Count!

The Great Yorkshire Creature Count is on a mission to discover how many different wildlife species we can collectively record from Yorkshire homes in just 24 hours!
The Chelsea Chop and other May gardening tips

The Chelsea Chop and other May gardening tips

As all keen gardeners will know, May should be a busy month in the garden, and hopefully our online enquiry and delivery service will keep you going until our centres…
How Green Is Your Shopping?

How Green Is Your Shopping?

At Earnshaws we are proud of our environmental and sustainable credentials, so we were intrigued to hear about Giki – an app that makes shopping for responsibly sourced food a…
Watch out for Holly Blues and Red Admirals!

Watch out for Holly Blues and Red Admirals!

Sir David Attenborough launched the Annual Butterfly Count today. Why not get involved and see how many butterflies you can count in your garden, in 15 minutes, then record them…
Summertime Tips for Looking After Your Garden Wildlife

Summertime Tips for Looking After Your Garden Wildlife

Here are some tips to help care for your garden’s wildlife this summer...
Growing the Next Generation of Gardeners

Growing the Next Generation of Gardeners

So far this summer, the only thing the younger generation seem to be talking about is Fortnite, the online battle royale game that has taken the world by storm. But,…