The on-site shops at each of our three centres stock a range of seasonally themed lines, gifts and gardening essentials.

Each season we introduce new ranges of interesting and eye-catching ideas to brighten up your garden and bring colour and fun to your pride and joy. This year we have added a selection of gifts, garden art, clocks and mirrors to our range.

From trugs and spades to wheel barrows and brushes, you can be sure to find those gardening essentials – all under one roof – to make life that little bit easier. We also stock eco-friendly mats and a range of trendy fireside accessories including coal buckets and indoor designer log stores.

Earnshaws Wheelbarrows
Earnshaws Brushes
Earnsahws Fireside Log stores

Each of our centres has a range of classical and characterful stoneware and ornaments, available in a range of sizes, to suit a variety of garden styles.

Our freestanding or wall-mounted stone ornaments and garden art is certain to add character and charm to any garden – big or small!

Buddha Garden Ornament
Mushroom Garden Ornament
Dog Garden Ornament

We have a range of water features in various sizes and styles, to make the perfect addition to any al-fresco setting.

Visit our Midgley centre to explore our range of water features – from striking sandstone centrepieces to contemporary, solar powered models.

Water Features
Stone Water Feature
Water Features

With cast iron boot cleaners and trowels, giant dragonflies, tin owls and novelty stoneware, our gifts and garden art provide something for gardens of all sizes and tastes of every kind.

Now is the time to call in to one of our sites and see our range of clocks and mirrors for yourself. Our on-trend range has a quirky, rustic and vintage feel.

Earnshaws Owl
clocks and mirrors at earnshaws fencing centre
Gardeners Gift