Butterfly Count 2024 results

A national ‘butterfly emergency’ has been declared!

This year the Butterfly Conservation charity butterfly count recorded just over 935,000 butterflies and day-flying moths across the UK between the 12th of July and the 4th of August. Unfortunately, this means that numbers are down almost by almost 600,000 compared to last year’s results – with 9,000 counts having seen no butterflies at all.

Dr Richard Fox, Head of Science at Butterfly Conservation has declared that “The results are in line with wider evidence that the summer of 2024 has been very poor for butterflies.” As butterflies are a key indicator species, this may mean that the wider environment is also struggling. Dr Fox has emphasised that “We must act now if we are to turn the tide on these rapid declines and protect species for future generations.”

Click here to find out more, and discover how you can help to protect the nation’s butterflies.

Here are the results in brief:

Number of counts: 143,241
Number of citizen scientists: 85,000
Number of butterflies: 935,441

Top 5 Butterflies

1. Gatekeeper – 190,413
2. Meadow Brown – 177,844
3. Large White – 138,424
4. Small White – 112,814
5. Peacock – 50,847